She Sale Ladies Consignment Sale
Ladies, Juniors, and Home Decor
We are not a store! We are a seasonal consignment event. We are the owners of Wee-Sale Children’s Consignment Event and many of our consignors and volunteers suggested that we do a sale for ladies, juniors and home decor.
Next Sale: Spring 2025
May 29 - June 1, 2025
Benfield Sportscenter
1031 Benfield Blvd, Millersville, MD
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a fee to consign?
Yes, there is a $15 consignor fee payable when you register, which is non-refundable. You can earn your fee back by helping out at the sale. See our Team Member page for details and available shifts.
Do you have to be a consignor to be a "team member" to shop early?
Yes, according to the Department of Labor, you must be a consignor to be a team member and enjoy those perks. However, a member of your immediate family may share shifts with you.
How does the computer entry work?
Once you have registered to consign, you will gather your items and enter a description and price for each item into our system. You will then be able to print your item tags to fix to your items for the sale. We recommend printing on cardstock or thicker paper!
Is there a minimum of items to consign?
Yes, you need to have 30 items to consign with the She Sale Ladies Consignment Sale.
Is there a maximum of items to consign?
There is a maximum of 50 clothing items for the sale. We also have a maximum on shoes – only 10 pairs of shoes per consignor is allowed. Please choose your best items and price to sell!
how should I price my items?
Think about what you would pay for something that is lightly used. We also have pricing guidelines which you can access using the button below:
How soon will I get paid after the sale?
You will receive your check via snail-mail within three weeks of the sale. We also offer the ability to receive electronic payments.